Great leadership requires clarity of purpose, good planning and support, both internal and external
By Sir Alan Parker 15 October 2018
Welcome to the Predictions issue of the Brunswick Review in which we investigate the power of predictions.
By Neal Wolin 15 October 2018
In defence of multilateralism
By Pascal Lamy 15 October 2018
Making predictions on large market trends requires practice and reflection.
15 October 2018
Run that sports bet past your dog
Twitter data is the tip of the iceberg - but is more data an answer to anything?
Some predictions are easy: the sunrise, old age, the need to pay taxes. Others, less so
25 September 2018
Changes in Hong Kong and the UK improve the corporate governance landscape
By Jane McAloon 15 October 2018
The coming population boom could provide benefits
By Itumeleng Mahabane 15 October 2018
Why are so few board members communications professionals?
By Alex Yankus 15 October 2018
A data entrepreneur inside the UN, Robert Kirkpatrick talks to the Brunswick Review
The likely fallout from the current Brexit confusion
By Sir Jonathan Faull 13 September 2018
How a simple grassroots campaign caught fire, ousted Malaysia's entrenched ruling party and unified the nation
Scott Adams, creator of the iconic “Dilbert” cartoon, called Donald Trump’s victory when the candidate was seen as more punchline than presidential.
Sir John Curtice tells the Brunswick Review why calling elections is a greater challenge than predicting the success of a new product
By Ruan Tremayne 15 October 2018
Journalist and author Salena Zito explains how “shoe-leather journalism” allowed her to see what sophisticated polling had missed about Donald Trump
By Mike Krempasky 15 October 2018
Kyle Pope of the Columbia Journalism Review compares the “death spiral” of local newspapers to a public health crisis.
By Kevin Helliker 15 October 2018
The Brunswick Review sees a healthy focus on the quality of journalism emerging from the sinking fortunes of print media.
By Kim Fletcher 15 October 2018
Volocopter CEO Florian Reuter is betting on a highway in the sky. He tells the Brunswick Review about the future of the flying taxi.
By Felix Morlock 15 October 2018
Ingo Rübe, founder and CEO of BOTlabs, sees open source as a vehicle to help shape the next stage of the internet.
By Dr. Joachim Peter 15 October 2018
Best-selling author Peter Singer talks with the Brunswick Review about winning the increasingly crowded and contentious war for attention
By Siobhan Gorman 02 October 2018
Seedlink’s Rina Joosten-Rabou says the power of AI can create happier workers.
Simon Cross describes the six principles that will allow businesses to succeed in a future fraught with rapid change and uncertainty
By Simon Cross 15 October 2018
Swiss Re relied on big data before the term was invented. Executive Robert Burr talks to the Brunswick Review
Old approaches to strategy and organization can’t help in uncertain times
Domino Data Lab CEO Nick Elprin speaks with the Brunswick Review
Pirelli CEO Marco Tronchetti Provera talks about the company’s flair for design, and its ongoing tradition of innovation and reinvention
By Alessandro Iozzia 15 October 2018
Powerful voices in advertising decry a decline in quality. A way forward is outlined
By Matt Shepherd-Smith 15 October 2018
Kunaal Kumar, founder of “the Whole Foods of India,” tells the Brunswick Review about the charms and eccentricities of that market
Like people, companies at home in multiple cultures are better able to handle the challenges of a global business community
Richard Evans tells the Brunswick Review about the process of prediction that made him a top healthcare analyst
By Raul Damas 15 October 2018
Schroders executives Mark Ainsworth and Ben Wicks on the growing role of the firm’s Data Insights Unit in fund management.
Globe-trotting orchestra leader Xian Zhang talks to the Brunswick Review about culture, commitment and leadership in music.
19 September 2018
Communication and connection will determine the future of retail — not a company’s size or age
By Blake Sonnenshein 15 October 2018
Knowledge and relationships – not predictions – are the windows to the future says author and entrepreneur Ross Dawson
The British cartoon swine is a global star. Just don’t call her the next Winnie the Pooh, says Brunswick’s Kevin Helliker.
Criticism of Facebook policies turned into personal attacks on Mark Zuckerberg following the use of user data by external firm Cambridge Analytica
The drumbeat of Moore’s Law allows tech companies to anticipate changes, permitting a fast, efficient pace of innovation.