Brunswick Group Perspectives: Brunswick Listened - The Story | Brunswick Group

The Story

Brunswick listened...

  • Adults in 26 markets
  • 42,956 interviews
  • Online data collection in 25 languages
  • 15 August – 13 October, 2016

It's the best of times, it's the worst of times

Will children be better or worse off?

We asked the question: When today's children in your country are your age, how will they be doing financially compared to where you are right now? Would you say better, worse or about the same?

Are business leaders listening? Do they understand?

Agree that business leaders do not understand the challenges I face in my life

We asked the question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, "Business leaders in my country do not really understand the challenges I face in my life."?

Does business success benefit everyone? It depends on where you sit...

Agree that when businesses in my country do well, the entire country benefits

We asked the question: Do you agree or disagree with the statement, "When businesses in my country do well, the entire country benefits."?

  1. We live in an "Age of Rage" (and gloom and doom)
  2. Society is fearful and skeptical of technology and technological advance
  3. The nation state is still THE core unit of analysis, THE way to think about the world
  4. International trade and globalization are unpopular
  5. Business is unpopular and it is too risky for business leaders to engage with society
  6. Employees are not ready, or even thinking about, workforce automation and technological unemployment
  7. Capitalism is the dominant ideology today and will be tomorrow

What if we went deeper?

What if we explored a Five G's World?

While it is convenient to generalize about "bubbles", Millennials and the like, these easy labels do not tell the full story.

Read the full report

When we interrogated our data, we discovered that the world is better defined by five dimensions which drive attitudes, perspectives and actions.

Based on the Five G's we identified 48 faces


  • 50+
  • Developed
  • Town
  • No Degree
  • Men
My tomorrow
Future better for children -24
My Country
Economy changing for better -13
Society changing for better -38
Government changing for better -39
My World
View of Globalization -10
View of Capitalism -14


  • 18-29
  • Emerging
  • City
  • Degree
  • Women
My tomorrow
Future better for children +49
My Country
Economy changing for better +20
Society changing for better +14
Government changing for better +8
My World
View of Globalization +64
View of Capitalism +28

"Katja" and "Sofia" are both Millennial women, but with vastly different perspectives.


  • 18-29
  • Developed
  • Town
  • No Degree
  • Women
My tomorrow
Future better for children -7
My Country
Economy changing for better -27
Society changing for better -23
Government changing for better -49
My World
View of Globalization +32
View of Capitalism -6


  • 18-29
  • Emerging
  • City
  • Degree
  • Women
My tomorrow
Future better for children +49
My Country
Economy changing for better +20
Society changing for better +14
Government changing for better +8
My World
View of Globalization +64
View of Capitalism +28