Trade Bites: Testing the Special Relationship: Prospects for a UK-US Trade Deal | Brunswick Group

Trade Bites: Testing the Special Relationship: Prospects for a UK-US Trade Deal

Podcast from UKTPO on trade policy. Brunswick's Jonathan Faull joins Chris Horseman, Michael Gasiorek, Iana Dreyer, and Alan Beattie.

What benefits could a transatlantic trade deal deliver? Brunswick's Chair of European Public Affairs Jonathan Faull joins Chris Horseman, Deputy Editor of Borderlex; Michael Gasiorek, Professor of Economics and Fellow of the UKTPO; Iana Dreyer, Founder and Editor of Borderlex and Alan Beattie, Senior Trade Writer for the Financial Times and Associate Fellow of Chatham House, to discuss the potential transatlantic trade deal between the UK and USA.  



This podcast was originally posted on SoundCloud here