Big Issues and Big Stakes | Brunswick Group

Big Issues and Big Stakes

With much left unsettled in this new political normal, here is our preliminary take on the business-critical issues that will matter most in 2017, and their likely fates under the Trump administration and Republican-controlled Congress.

With Republicans poised to assert complete control over the Congress and in the White House, companies seeking to engage inside the Beltway will confront a new political reality. Indeed, from healthcare to energy to financial services, the rules of political engagement are being rewritten. Companies must be nimble enough to adapt to a shifting 2017 political and regulatory environment, and must make a compelling case to the thousands of new executive-branch appointees who will soon populate the Trump administration.

To help companies navigate the unpredictable and unanticipated landscape they now face, Brunswick analyzed the key business-critical issues that are likely to rank high on President-elect Trump’s agenda during his first 100 days in office.

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