Open For Business, a coalition of multinational companies promoting global LGBT+ inclusion, will be active at Davos for the third year running.
On Wednesday 24th January 2018, Open For Business published its second report at a high-level panel event hosted by Accenture in Davos. Read the full report here.
The report brings a fresh perspective into the debate by focusing on cities. It presents the evidence that LGBT+ inclusive cities are more competitive: they have stronger “innovation ecosystems”, greater concentrations of skills and talent, better quality of life – and, ultimately, stronger economic performance. Open For Business will also announce a handful of high profile new coalition partners during this event
The past year has seen a growing backlash against the freedoms of LGBT people. In many countries, real progress has been made towards inclusion; in other parts of the world, millions are living in fear of arrest, harassment or physical violence. With the absence of good governance in many countries, businesses and institutions are filling a void.
There may be a new front line in the global fight for LGBT inclusion: cities.
Incubators of social progress and innovation, cities are often centers of resistance to illiberal populism, even when it is gaining ground at a national level. LGBT inclusive cities are more competitive with stronger “innovation ecosystems”, greater concentrations of skills and talent, better quality of life – and, ultimately, stronger economic performance.
Business has influence – if they exercise it – to move the dial on LGBT human rights in their local environments. As outlined in the United Nations LGBTI Global Standards of Conduct, business needs to step up and apply its economic and moral force to help shift the landscape on these human rights challenges.
This year's annual Davos LGBT breakfast focused on LGBT inclusion in cities and explores the role that corporations can play in promoting this.
What’s the economic case for cities being LGBT inclusive?
What can cities and business do to create more inclusive environments for LGBT people
How can corporations work with city and LGBT organizations in more challenging places?
Arne Sorenson, CEO, Marriott
Inga Beale DBE, CEO, Lloyd’s
Jon Miller, Founder, Open For Business
Sander van ‘t Noordende, Group CEO Products, Accenture
This panel is open to official World Economic Forum delegates.