Davos executive briefing day 3 | Brunswick Group

Davos executive briefing day 3

Thought leadership and key themes from the final day of Davos

This year at Davos the chatter at the myriad events in the Congress Center and briefings and receptions was about three interlocking themes.

Power of Tech Firms

This power and the accompanying “tech lash” response have been prominently featured in recent and influential articles, including the Financial Times and the Economist, much loved by the Davos elite.

Politicians are clearly feeling empowered to take action. The tech firms themselves are struggling to come up with effective responses. Some are self-flagellating in public about their failures; some are arguing that self-regulation is working; some are changing their business models (e.g. Facebook’s announcement of giving greater weight to information from trusted sources, Google’s partnership with publishers, and many tech firms are changing their tax structures to pay more taxes where profits are generated). But the atmosphere in Davos suggests they may be playing a game of catch-up.

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